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About CED


Community and Economic Development (CED) is a multi-disciplinary team of professionals dedicated to advancing WSU’s Land-Grant mission. CED educators partner with the people of Washington to deliver high quality, research-based programs that make a positive difference in communities across the State.

As individuals and as a team, the members of CED are known for:

  • The relevance of their work
  • Innovative approaches
  • Ability to obtain extramural resources
  • Collegial relationships
  • Contributing to their disciplines


CED will be the leader in assisting Washington communities meet their economic, environmental and social goals.

Its members will be known for their:

  • Dedication to making a positive difference in individuals’ lives and Washington communities
  • Abilities to advance WSU’s land-grant mission through innovative research-based programs

Contact Us

PO Box 646248
Hulbert Hall 121B
Pullman, WA 99164-6248 (MAP)


CED Programs

Community Economic Development:

CED activities focus on promoting local business Pow-wow drumsexpansion and retention; increasing transfer funds within a local economy (such as tourism dollars and retirement dollars); economic analysis; and increasing exports and local entrepreneur development. In addition, efforts include programs that result in local leadership development and effective community non-profits. In undertaking this work, CED has a number of special emphases.

These include:

  • Working with Latino communities and businesses
  • The deployment of broadband and use of information technology in rural areas
  • Enhancing WSU Extension’s engagement with Tribal communities and leaders
  • Composite and wood product development through the Composite Materials & Engineering Center (CMEC)

Food Systems

CED programs contribute to the development of community food systems that strengthen local economics, address environmental concerns associated with food production, and help assure food security. An area of CED specialization in this program is assisting Food Processors in process development and developing new value added product.



Better Governance:

CED focuses on assisting local, state, federal, and tribal governments (and their agencies) to do their work in an informed and effective manner. Assistance takes the forms of applied research, process facilitation, collaborative problem solving, and training. The majority of this work takes place through the Division of Governmental Studies and Services (DGSS) and the William D. Ruckelshaus Center.

Additionally, CED is responsible for establishing the new WSU Metropolitan Center for Applied Research and Extension. The Center’s goal is to bring University resources to bear on urban issues and opportunities through collaborative action-oriented research and outreach. The Center focuses on contributing to resilient local economies, natural resources stewardship, and strengthening metropolitan governmental and non-profit sectors.